11:25 AM 05/26/2024
In January, we wrapped up our 2024 Winter Conference, held in Tucson, Arizona at the Westward Look Spa and Resort. The conference was an outstanding success. Scott Kirschner, from Dedicated Threat Solutions was our main instructor. We also held a round table with several judges from the State of Arizona and received an update from AZPOINT.
Thank you to all who sold beef raffle tickets. The Arizona Constables Association awarded three $1500 scholarships. We purchased the steer from Capital Farms, located in Wickenburg. This year the winner purchased a single ticket.
During our business meeting we held elections to fill the Arizona Constables Association Board of Directors. We welcome Scott Blake as President, Suzanne Smith as Vice President, Lance Pearce as Treasurer, Melissa Wirthlin as Secretary, Leonardo McCloskey and Nathan Wallace as general board members.
At our business meeting, we also discussed our current legislative issues and have bipartisan support to get us as a named beneficiary on the Craig Tiger Act. We are very grateful for Kevin Payne who ran this legislation for us and for the help of Joe Clure with the Arizona Police Association who provided lobbyist assistance and support.
We eliminated two board spots at our last business meeting. This created a three-way election for two board spots. We will miss Phyllis Romo, who has been on the board for many years working directly with us. We have some ideas to keep her around until she decides to retire.
I would like to personally thank everyone who works on the ACA board. Thank you for your willingness to go the extra mile. Thank you for working out all the little problems we had at our new conference location. Thank you for serving and working on board issues between the conferences.
If you are interested in working with me on legislative issues for the next session, please let me know. I am excited to work on our upcoming bills for 2025. We need to start building bridges now with other elected officials.
Our next semi-annual training in 2024 will be for all elected and appointed Constables, Deputy Constables and support staff August 12th – August 15th held at the Great Wolf Lodge in Scottsdale Arizona. Attendees will have an opportunity to bring family, who will have access to the water park all day. Please save this date and check back later this year for more information and registration forms.
Scott Blake
Arizona Constables Association
Welcome to the Arizona Constables Association web site. This site has been developed to assist you with learning more about this elected position.
Did you know that the job of a Constable varies depending on the county he or she works in?
Constables have been a part of Arizona since the days of the Wild West. On our
About page, the constable's rich history will take you on a journey from territorial days to present times.
Although the Ethics, Standards and Training Board is a separate entity from the Association, several association members serve on the Ethics, Standards and Training Board, which oversees the conduct of Arizona's Constables. For more information about the board, browse over to our
Ethics, Standards and Training Board page.
Under the
Members Section you will find a listing of the current members of the Association and their biographical information.
We hope you enjoy this site and if you have any further need to contact a board member, please see the
Board Members page.
"I feel incredibly
Alexandria Gremmel
"Thank you
so much!"
Alyssa Smith
"Thank you for
this opportunity!"
Paige Schenek
Congratulations to Alexandria Gremmel, Alyssa Smith and Paige Schenek for being the three recipients for $1500 academic scholarships. Every year, the ACA awards three scholarships to eligible students, in amounts of at least $1000 each.